DWK Life Sciences (Duran) GL 45 Bottle Tags

The colorful silicone GL 45 Bottle Tags can be easily and securely attached around the neck of the YOUTILITY bottle. The Bottle Tags are available in several distinct colors for easy customization and unambiguous bottle identification. The elastic Bottle Tags will fit around any DIN GL 45 bottle neck, and can even be applied with the screw cap in place.

Image(s) are representative of the product group and not necessarily the individual product.
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The colorful silicone GL 45 Bottle Tags can be easily and securely attached around the neck of the YOUTILITY bottle. The Bottle Tags are available in several distinct colors for easy customization and unambiguous bottle identification. The elastic Bottle Tags will fit around any DIN GL 45 bottle neck, and can even be applied with the screw cap in place.

Image(s) are representative of the product group and not necessarily the individual product.

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