Loperamide Hydrochloride

Molecular Formula
Catalog Number
TCI America
CAS Number

Loperamide Hydrochloride, a piperidine derivative, is the research grade of an opioid antimotility drug which can be used to treat diarrhea as a result of inflammatory bowel disease or gastroenteritis. Ungraded products supplied by TCI America are generally suitable for common industrial uses or for research purposes but typically are not suitable for human consumption or therapeutic use.

Shipping Information

DOT: UN2811, Toxic solid, organic, n.o.s. (loperamide hydrochloride), 6.1, PG III

Largest individual container shippable via:
UPS/FedEx Ground: 12 kg    UPS Air: 500 g    FedEx Air: 50 kg

Additional UPS-imposed hazardous material charge.
Tariff No. 2933294300

Certificates of Analysis

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