Polyethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate, n(=:)4 (stabilized with MEHQ)

Catalog Number
TCI America
CAS Number

Polyethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate, n(=:)4 (stabilized with MEHQ), commonly refrered to as PEG DIMETHACRYLATE, is a polyether compound that is used in a wide variety of fields including pharmaceutical manufacturing as an excipient and active ingredient. Due to its low toxicity it can be used as a lubricating coating for various surfaces in aqueous and non-aqueous environments, a reagent in biochemistry to create very high osmotic pressures, a polar stationary phase for gas chromatography and as a binder. Ungraded products supplied by TCI America are generally suitable for common industrial uses or for research purposes but typically are not suitable for human consumption or therapeutic use.

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