Trace Metals in Water in HNO3

Catalog Number
Inorganic Ventures

Trace Metals in Water in HNO3

Inorganic Ventures' Trace Metals in Water is a certified reference material set in a nitric acid matrix for stability. This standard is Traceable to NIST and manufactured in accordance with stringent Quality Assurance guidelines. One year Expiration Date.

Matrix: HNO3

Al 142 µg/L Sb 58 µg/L
As 60 µg/L Ba 544 µg/L
Be 14 µg/L Bi 14 µg/L
B 158 µg/L Cd 7 µg/L
Ca 32000 µg/L Cr 20 µg/L
Co 27 µg/L Cu 23 µg/L
Fe 100) { descriptionContainer .addClass('collapsible') .append('') .collapsible(); updateTriggerText(); descriptionContainer.on('dimensionsChanged', function () { updateTriggerText(); }); } function updateTriggerText() { const trigger = descriptionContainer.find('[data-role="trigger"]'); if(descriptionContainer.attr('aria-expanded') === 'true') { trigger.html($t('Show less') + ' ▲'); } else { trigger.html($t('Show more') + ' ▼'); } } });
Shipping Information

DOT: UN3264

Largest individual container shippable via:

Storage Information

Store at Room Temperature

Certificates of Analysis

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