Sodium Percarbonate

Molecular Formula
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Spectrum Chemical
CAS Number

Sodium Percarbonate is a colorless and hygroscopic solid and comes as a soluble, crystalline form. Used as an oxidizing agent, it is found in a host of household and laundry products. When mixed with water it dissolves and gives hydriogen peroxide that eventually transforms into water and oxygen. It is also used in organic synthesis as a source of an anhydrous H202.

Synonyms: Sodium Carbonate Peroxide

Shipping Information

When shipping via FedEx Air the item will ship priority overnight. A higher hazmat fee will apply.

DOT: UN3378, Sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate, 5.1, PG III

Largest individual container shippable via:
UPS/FedEx Ground: 500 g    UPS Air: Not accepted    FedEx Air: 50 kg

Additional UPS-imposed hazardous material charge.

Certificates of Analysis

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