Butyl Alcohol, Reagent, ACS

Molecular Formula
Catalog Number
Spectrum Chemical
CAS Number

Butyl Alcohol, Reagent, ACS is more commonly known as butanol. It is also widely used as a solvent in textile and chemical fabrication processes. It can be used as a paint thinner and base for perfumes. As an ACS grade reagent, Spectrum Chemical manufactured compound is used as the quality standard against which other substances are grade and has met the toughest regulatory standards for quality and pureness.

Synonyms: 1-Butanol ; n-Butyl Alcohol

Shipping Information

When shipping via FedEx Air the item will ship priority overnight. A higher hazmat fee will apply.

DOT: UN1120, Butanol, 3, PG III

Largest individual container shippable via:
UPS/FedEx Ground: 20 L    UPS Air: 2.5 L    FedEx Air: 20 L

Additional UPS-imposed hazardous material charge.
Tariff No. 2905130000

Certificates of Analysis

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