Ammonium Metavanadate, Powder, Reagent, ACS

Molecular Formula
Catalog Number
Spectrum Chemical
CAS Number

Ammonium Metavanadate, Powder, Reagent, ACS is also known as ammonium vanadate and is a water soluble inorganic acid that is used in a variety of applications, including chemical and environmental catalysts, coloring compounds and dye fixants. As an ACS grade quality reagent, its chemical specifications are the de facto standards for chemicals used in many high-purity applications and typically designate the highest quality chemical available for laboratory use. Spectrum Chemical manufactured Reagent ACS grade products meet the toughest regulatory standards for quality and purity.

Synonyms: Ammonium Vanadate

Shipping Information

DOT: UN2859, Ammonium metavanadate, 6.1, PG II

Largest individual container shippable via:
UPS/FedEx Ground: 2.5 kg    UPS Air: 2.5 kg    FedEx Air: 2.5 kg

Additional UPS-imposed hazardous material charge plus $15.00 for poison pack.
Tariff No. 2841900000

Certificates of Analysis

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