2,4-Diaminophenol Dihydrochloride

Molecular Formula
Catalog Number
Spectrum Chemical
CAS Number

2,4-Diaminophenol Dihydrochloride, also known as Amidol, is a dihydrogen chloride salt used as a developing agent in photography; it is a colorless crystalline compound. Ungraded products supplied by Spectrum are indicative of a grade suitable for general industrial use or research purposes and typically are not suitable for human consumption or therapeutic use.

Synonyms: Amidol

Shipping Information

DOT: UN2811, Toxic solid, organic, n.o.s. (2,4-diaminophenol dihydrochloride), 6.1, PG III

Largest individual container shippable via:
UPS/FedEx Ground: 12 kg    UPS Air: 500 g    FedEx Air: 50 kg

Certificates of Analysis

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