CAS Number 7783-90-6 | Silver Chloride

CAS RN | 7783-90-6 | Silver Chloride

Silver Chloride
Spectrum Chemical manufactures and distributes fine chemicals with quality you can count on including those with CAS number 7783-90-6, You can be assured that all Silver Chloride products offered by Spectrum, meet or exceed the grade requirements or specifications for each individual product.
Molecular Formula Molecular Weight CAS Number
AgCl 143.32 7783-90-6

Solubility Very slightly soluble in cold water Soluble i nsolutions of alkali cyanides, thiosulfates, ammonium carbonates. Appreciably soluble in concentrated aqueous solutions of ammonium chloride, mercuric nitrate, and silver nitrate.
Reactivity Darkens on exposure to light. Incompatible with ammonia, aluminum, bromine trifluoride, hydrogen peroxide, potassium, sodium, and sodium peroxide + charcoal.

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Silver Chloride, Granular, Reagent

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